May be ...

There was more road-tripping in May cos we had front row seats to see Tommy Emmanuel at the Moncrieff Centre in Bundaberg! Awesome night! I was on the 101FM Radio Logan the next week, when Stevie T played two of my songs ("Breathe, Miss Sunshine" and "How Much You Mean To Me") with a bit of a spiel about me as a local artist. How good is that?! The month ended with more great news - another two songs shortlisted in the 2022 Australian Songwriting Contest! "As Time Goes By" made the Ballad shortlist while "Undercover Killer" was a Rock/Indie finalist. Both these songs were products of my involvement with the I Heart Songwriting Club. That means they were each written within just one hour (or very close to it). "Undercover Killer" is pretty close to my original draft. "As Time Goes By" was only two verses initially but subsequently gained a bridge and outro. Good songs don’t need a lifetime to write, just to prepare ... ...