Open sessions ...

Half-way through the year already! I finished June by going to a couple of open mic nights to play my songs. (Rebecca came along to chronicle my adventures). My main motivation for attending open mic events is to get reactions to how I’m performing - as well as responses to the songs themselves. We arrived at Archive Boutique Brewery in West Side Brisbane on a Monday night. I played five songs and the crowd warmed to the more intense feel of the performance. In the same week, we went to Stones Corner Hotel on Wednesday night. I played three songs I'd played at Archive and I got the same enthusiastic reception. Stones Corner had a better feel as there were a lot more performers and larger crowd. Even though I played there at 10:00pm, there was still a decent crowd clapping and cheering. It was great to get good comments from the next act to come up - and the crowd as I made my way back to our table. I'm quite familiar with the son...