Making connections ...

Lots of good stuff happening behind the scenes. Banshees hosted two Music Industry Development sessions, facilitated by our local Council in conjunction with QMusic. I was on night-shift for both of those but Rebecca went along in March and again in April. She enjoyed all the presentations, took notes to share with me - and chatted to a few local artists. (I've since joined QMusic, though was already on their mailing list as I attended one of their songwriting events last year). Quite a lot went on in April! We both went to the APRA/AMCOS "Made by Music" event, held at The Triffid on a Saturday morning (with beautiful brunch catering). I've been to a few of these but it was a first for Rebecca. There was some excellent info presented, so we had lots to talk about afterwards - and some things to follow up on. Our local library put on a Rhyme, Rhythm and Reason session, "a celebration of spoken word, songwriting and lyricism". Th...