A Christmas Song!

It's been a huge year for me - not sure whether that was because of, or in spite of Covid-19! Back in January I had no intention of releasing any songs. In March, I watched Pete Johns from GarageBand demonstrate the release process and it didn't seem too complicated, so I did one of my own.
Wish You Merry Christmas is my 15th release for 2020. (There are another two songs scheduled for December release and I'm working on more for the New Year).
Two of this year's releases are short-listed in the Australian Songwriting Competition and by mid-December I should know if they've progressed further to the top-30 listings. One of the competition entries, "Breathe, Miss Sunshine" has received airplay on 3SER - along with six of my other songs. In fact, 3SER/The Casey Beat has been playing my songs every Saturday night (bar one) since 10 October, which is very encouraging.
I hope you enjoy my early message for Christmas. Just wanted to get it out there before anything else happened!
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