The Last - and a first (anniversary)!

Another new song release. This one is called "The Last". This song was prompted by a friend and fellow songwriter Eavan O'Leary.
Eavan has a great "turn of phrase" and has written and recorded some memorable tracks. I always saw her as some Celtic Spiritualist weaving musical spells. She hails from Ireland and while chatting, I tapped out the first four stanzas of prose.
When I finished the lyrics, I put music to them. I wanted bagpipes but after a lot of searching and asking, I played them myself with an app virtual instrument. "The Last" explores the situation when someone close dies. A husband or wife is gone and the feelings of loneliness can be overwhelming. Standing in the graveyard watching the interment of a long-held life is hard to catch in song.
This song represents more though. It's release is on the anniversary my first-ever release of 7 April, 2020. I've released 29 songs since then - with The Last being the last for my first year of releases!
It's been a big year. So many great people cheering me on. Real friendships. Lots of positives and many highlights. I'm keen to see what my second year brings. I already have another couple of songs lined up for release - and more coming.
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