More performing ...

I went out to Banshees Bar in Ipswich for their Open Mic night on Wednesday. There were a few people there and I started my set with "Say Goodbye". The response through the song was great and the end saw lots of clapping and cheering. 

I then played a newer song, not yet streamed - “The Mountain”. That was also really well received. Next was a song I had only written the day before.  I mucked it up a fair bit but the crowd was still there. 

A couple of people were very focussed during "The Key Was on the Hook" - and the rest were keen.  I finished with "The Magician", which is a favourite of the owner. When I got down from the stage one group of performers said "welcome to the group".  Another group said the songs were great and yet another guy commented on my “great voice”!

It was a great feel and I really enjoyed the songs that I was familiar with. More practice is needed. Might go again next week.


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