First album release - Drifting on the Window Seat!
There are a variety of songs on the album, from the huge list of singles I have released. The ten songs represent a body of work that I am so happy with. Lots of these songs are forays into different techniques and writing methods.
On 1 December I will be releasing a second ten-track album titled "The Magician" - and then a third on the 15 December, titled "Walk My Way".
I planned to release more singles before the end of the year but I really needed to organise my existing titles so folks had an easier way of accessing all my music.
It's my intention to produce a YouTube video that covers each of my albums and the whys, hows and whos of their creation - as well as what brings them together. These outlines are mostly for my own clarification but maybe others are interested.
Drifting On The Window Seat is the title track of my first album. The other songs are:- Not Alone, The Beach, Going Home, Burn, Careless Butterflies, Dance, Knife in My Heart, The Decision and Virus Crisis.
These songs are part of my transitions from different recording methods and equipment. They were written by hand long before they were released. A lot of my early raw recordings were lost in a hard disc meltdown and some of those ended up as rewrites later on.
I hope you enjoy the album and how it meanders through the tracks, so much like myself.
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