Third album release - Walk My Way

My Final Release for 2021 came out last week, on 16 December.  Walk My Way is the title track - a song about going through a near-death experience, which changed my life and my perspective on living.

The other songs are:  The Key Was on The Hook, Wind in the Trees, Mona, Grandma's Chest of Drawers, Another Mother's Day, Childhood Songs, Wish You Merry Christmas, Once More Unto The Breach and As Time Goes By. 

This group of songs is really how I feel about my music. It's about the freedom you take hold of when you can do whatever you feel like. I'm not trying to "Make It". I'm not trying to play to an audience or walk the popular line. I write what comes up and out of me, confident that I'm not alone feeling the way I do. 

I have played a lot of these songs on Zoom live nights and also played a couple last week at Banshees Bar. There was more encouragement and I even had a punter let me know I was easily good enough to play in the local pub scene, offering suggestions about which bars to approach. That conversation was very encouraging. 

Looking forward to  2022,  I have about 30 songs I'd like to produce and release.  I am sure another group of songs will be out as an album in the first half of 2022. I don't know if I'll be doing singles again then compiling. I feel traditional processes might work better for me.

I recently had a massive surge in listeners on Spotify.  The previous stats were about 60 listeners per month but since the first album release the audience has grown to 800 listeners in over 80 Countries. Germany accounts for about quarter of this and I'm at a loss to understand why. I have done nothing promotionally to create this result but do appreciate the growth.

All the best to all of you and I look forward to entertaining y'all with my music and mumbling intro's in the New Year.


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