September - Live at Platform 5!

What an amazing start to the month. I played a double header at Platform 5 on Saturday the 3rd - 12 to 2 pm and then 6 to 8 pm. The lunch-time sets saw all sorts of people rolling in to have a listen.  Even had a walk-by stay for a while.  He was from Townsville and was very complimentary of the songs I played and my performance. 

The evening was quieter due to The RiverFire festival in Brisbane. There were still a few listeners enjoying the music and soaking up the atmosphere. 

Playing all original works and focussing on melodies and lyrics engages the listeners. So very different to the contemporary music scene.  There are many who try to categorise music but I feel my shows go beyond genre. There is a depth in music when it contains a piece of the writer. It takes on the complexities of the person. 
Looking forward to working the magic again when I return to Platform 5 in November!


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