What a year!

I released four singles this year, was a Top 30 finalist in the Australian Song-writing Competition (for “A Dog’s Sadness”) - and had three paid gigs, playing two-hour sets of my originals! 

My contract with Musicians for World Peace (for “All We Need to Do is Care”) was renewed for a further three years - and this time Rebecca gets credit as graphic artist (for use of her photo). 

I did an interview for a local radio station and might get a write-up in the Ipswich newspaper also. It’s all happening! 

Recently I was invited to join a group of professional song-writers. That led to a song being reviewed by an industry rep, who gave encouraging feedback. 

I’ve played quite a few open mic events (in Melbourne, Sydney, Dalby as well as locally and online). All good fun! 

Now we are home-owners, I’ve been busy building a proper studio downstairs. I’m looking forward to more professional production next year - free of traffic noise and bird calls! 

The Tamworth Songwriters Association (TSA) hosts an annual contest known as the TSA Songwriter Salute Awards. I decided to enter a few songs in the categories of Local Hero, Country Ballad, and New Songwriter Award (due to having only started writing in 2019). 

I've also entered four songs into the 2022 Australian Song-writing Competition, just before the closing date of 31 December. 

The TSA Award ceremony is in January - and who knows what might happen then, or in 2023!


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