Sweet jam at the Butter Factory!

Kingston Butter Factory in Logan runs open mic nights as part of their Arts Development program.  I went along for the first time in February and played a few of my songs.  Rebecca came with me and took some footage of me playing. Clips of those are on my FB page, if you want to have a look.

It was a good night with quite a few people taking part, many playing originals.  There was a lot of encouragement.  The audience was very attentive and it always feels good for people to really listen to your songs.  It looks like there is opportunity to put in for more work in that area, in terms of longer sets/proper gigs as well as more open mic nights.  (I'll miss the March open mic but should be able to attend in April).    

Steve T from Radio Logan 101FM played a couple of songs and we chatted afterwards.  As a follow-on from that meeting, I'll soon be in contact with a program director to tee up a live-interview and play some songs on-air.  How good is that?


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