December wrap-up!

So much happened this year, it's hard to keep track of everything.  The last couple of months blurred together a bit, so you might have noticed there was no monthly update since October.  

There were a couple of open mics at new-to-me venues in November.  Brewski in Brisane and a cafe in Tin Can Bay.  In total, I performed at 42 open mic events through the year. That tally included several visits to The Triffid (owned by former Powderfinger bassist, John Collins), the Tin Can Bay café and a morning busking stint at Byron Bay. 

“My main motivation for attending open mic events is to get reactions to how I’m performing - as well as responses to the songs themselves”. 

Although this year’s focus was on performing, another two songs were released. “Christmas Morning” came out in late November and “The Sun Sets” in late December. "Christmas Morning" received airplay in Shepparton, soon after release!

Stevie T from Radio Logan played other tracks a few times during his Songwriters Showcase on Monday nights. (And yes, I still get excited hearing myself on the radio)!  There’s now an “Airplay” tab on the blog, listing all radio play over the past four years, which is encouraging to see. 

I've built a great downstairs studio space, which even has a proper "on air" light above the door!  I've been holed up down there the past couple of days, fine-tuning my entries for this year's Australian Songwriting Competition.  (The comp closes on 31 December, the same day "The Sun Sets" is released).  

Plans for the New Year?  At this stage, I'd like to spend more time in the studio, cos I have a few more songs planned for release. Stay tuned!


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