2020 National Songwriting Awards


The delayed 2020 National Songwriting Awards screened on Saturday night in a virtual format. We had planned to dress up properly for our lounge-room viewing but were both lurgi-ed, so it was a more relaxed evening.

Congratulations to Katrina Burgoyne and Cathy Dobson for both achieving great results! 

I entered three songs in the 2020 competition.  "Burn" was shortlisted and "Breathe, Miss Sunshine" achieved a Top 30 place.  That’ll do for 2020. 

What now for 21? More entries? That seems the go. At the time of entering last year I’d released five songs. This year, if I discount those first five, I'll have released 26 songs - and I have about 20 other songs that I like, which need some more time and fine-tuning. I just need to pick. 

All my songs have a piece of me so it’s hard to choose, but choose I will. 

Thanks again for all your encouragement.


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